At least one passenger has been killed after gunmen opened fire on a 60-seater bus belonging to Salama Sacco in Moyale, Marsabit County on Monday night.
The incident happened between Bori Junction and Dadach Lakole area and is suspected to have been carried out by members of a group called Shifta.
As a result of the incident, four people were seriously injured and were subsequently rushed to the Sololo Mission Hospital, but one person succumbed to his injuries before reaching the facility.
Preliminary reports indicate that the attackers escaped the scene soon after the bus attack.
According to the police, the bullets damaged the windshield of the bus but the driver managed to drive out of the danger zone.
“The bullets damaged the windshield while its front tyre was deflated but he managed to drive off from a danger zone up to where he stopped and sought help for the victims,” said the police.
A multi-agency team has been deployed on the ground to pursue the matter. The area has recently faced challenges that have left dozens of people dead.
On August 14 gunmen killed 8 people after they opened fire on a lorry that was transporting items to Nairobi along the Kenya-Ethiopia Border at Elledimtu along Forolle-Turbi Road.
Following the attack, the lorry burst into flames where 80 bags of 100 kg maize, 60 iron sheets, 5 (200 liters) diesel, 3 by 2 timber, and other assorted goods of unknown value were destroyed.
On August 1, a police officer was killed and three others, including a civilian, were seriously injured when an unknown number of gunmen attacked a checkpoint in the Sessi area of Moyale town, Marsabit County.
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