


KDRTV News-My dad developed hypertension disease equally known as the hgh blood pressure in December 2015.He has been in and out of the hospital and strictly under medication over the years because the disease grew much more fatal as the years goes by.

One fine night in August 2019, my dad was complaining about having a headache nonstop. As usual my mum ensured he took some panllers to ease up the pain and he also took his normal medication that night. After a few minutes he said he was okay and was feeling much better.

However, at 2am in the morning he woke up and started complaining that he was unable to move both his hands, neck, and legs. We were all forced to wake up so that we could attend to him. My mum called an uncle of mine who took him to the nearest hospital.

On reaching the hospital, things became much worse my dad was unable to talk. The doctor tried to converse with him but he wasn’t responding he could not even open his mouth he looked like someone who was in a shock.

We as a family became so worried. The doctors on the other hand said there was nothing left to do for him. My mum was in denial she was not ready to lose my dad because she could not bear the thought of losing the father to her children.

Since the doctors said there was nothing else to do my dad, he was carried back home. His situation never changed he could not even open his mouth to eat.One day my mum said that she needed to try out Doctor Mugwen healing ability which she had heard through reading his website.

My dad was carried to Doctor Mugwenu’s worshop the next morning and his healing capabilities was incredible.Instead of looking at the physical reasons behind my dad’s illness like all the normal doctors do, he determined the root cause to his illness. He then used incantations and prescribed an herb that he was to drink before going to sleep.

Indeed, Doctor Mugwenu’s incantation and medicine worked on my dad. He began to move freely,utter a few words the next morning and in a weeks time he was able to stand on his feet once more. He has never fallen sick at any given time since their visit to Doctor Mugwenu.He is the best tradonal herbalist in Africa that can heal diseases such as gonorrhea, typhoid, hypertenson among other referred to as deadly diseases in the society.

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