
Sifuna questions why DP didn’t stop Ruto during truce call


Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna has responded to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s statement that Azimio, a political coalition, should recognize William Ruto as President before any engagement with Raila Odinga, the leader of the opposition party.

Sifuna criticized Gachagua for not stopping Ruto from addressing the nation and urging Odinga to call off demonstrations when he had the opportunity to do so.

Speaking during an interview with NTV, Sifuna questioned why Gachagua did not intervene when Ruto was delivering his speech to the nation.

He emphasized that he and his colleagues were not present at State House during the President’s speech, but they would listen to Ruto as the leader of the country since he was the one who initiated the truce call.

Gachagua had previously stated that Raila Odinga must publicly recognize William Ruto as the President of Kenya before any discussions could take place between the government and the opposition.

Ruto had claimed that Raila Odinga’s team had reached out to him, seeking an exit strategy from the ongoing demonstrations, but had refused to acknowledge him as the legitimate President.

Ruto stated that Raila’s team had approached him, stating that the international community had abandoned them and they wanted to call off the demonstrations.

However, Ruto suggested that they take their grievances to Parliament and discuss them with other lawmakers, including Kimani Ichung’wah, and let them make a decision.

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