Operation Warp Speed, Trump Made It Happen.


We are to give credit when credit is due. Trump’s business wisdom and proactive approach made Covid19 vaccines happen, this is a fact. No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, you know this to be somehow true or has truth to it.

The approach was business-oriented, the operation invested up to 12,4 Billion Dollars in 6 promising candidates. The investment varied from one company to the other, development manufacturing or both.

The companies themselves, varied in size and dimensions, from large to mid and small cap, Novavax 8 Billion dollars, Pfizer 211,17, Moderna with 54,5 Billion,  AstraZeneca 181 and the French Sanofi valued at 118 Billion dollars, last but not least the giant Johnson&Johnson at 395,58 Billion .

All market capitalizations are as of the 16th of December 2020. This is of course after the uptrend that took their stocks upward on the news that the US government was working closely with them to develop vaccines and committed in one way or another to purchase afterwards.

The idea was to diversify and hope for the best, not to put all our eggs in one basket and vary how many eggs we put in each. We need a vaccine and with a good confidence interval, we should expect a viable vaccine from one of the investments.

This is indeed a business strategy that can be attributed to Trump’s business mindset and spirit. One can safely say that he pulled a few strings in the shadows all along the process, either for his own satisfaction and interest or for the greater good of the people, both interests were aligned.

The important factor was time, how fast can we get a vaccine is where the Trump Administration really shined. In the medical and pharmaceutical industry, vaccines take years in development and trial.

This wasn’t the case for covid19, Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines took under a year, working closely with the FDA to reach approval and above 95% efficiency, advancing to distribution in lightening speed. The US government committed to 100 and 200 Million Doses respectively and up to 900 Million doses from all 6 candidates, enough for the US population almost 3 times over.

The distribution operation is undergoing in the US with Frontline Healthcare Workers being the first in line. The challenge now is to succeed in the distribution phase and prioritize the right population to reach herd immunity, lower hospitalization rate and save lives. The question remains, who’s next to receive the vaccine? and what challenges will the new administration face when it comes to how divided America is? Will everyone be willing to take the vaccine?

As for the Biden Administration, it is of utmost importance to leverage and capitalize on this trend to unite the United States under one banner. Healing.

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