
Foreighn Military Experts Rigged Out Raila Odinga- Philip Murgor 

Philip Murgor

Raila Odinga’s lawyer has alleged that the August 9 presidential election was rigged with military precision and favoured William Ruto. 

While giving his submission on Friday September 2, 2022 Murgor argued that foreign expert mercenaries were used in the rigging scheme.

“The evidence that has been presented by the petitioners shows a well-orchestrated and fraudulent scheme that was executed through…with military precision….and given the evidence that has been availed, using expert foreign mercenaries engaged for that purpose,” Murgor remarked.

“I am not surprised that none of those gentlemen I am referring to as mercenaries has not sworn an affidavit. People like that disappear,” he added.

Another Azimio lawyer, Julie Soweto, had earlier demonstrated to the apex court how some of the results on Form 34A could have been falsified.

Soweto presented to the court a form 34A from a polling station bearing the name of Jose Camargo, one of the Venezuelan nationals suspected of orchestrating a team of IT specialists that altered results forms on the IEBC system.

“In the top left-hand corner of the form, we were told by Mr Gumbo there were no foreigners in this election. We were told they did not have access to the servers. At the top left corner we have the name of Jose Camargo,” Julie Soweto said.

“Jose Camargo (Venezuelan) is the person who decided the president-elect of Kenya. He is the one who was interfering with the forms,” she added.

Lawyers for the IEBC and Dr. Ruto have since objected to the use of the picture in the presentation, calling it “new evidence.”

Chief Justice Martha Koome, on the other hand, stated that they will deliberate amongst themselves to determine whether it was fresh evidence or not, considering that the lawyer was making suggestions while answering to one of the judges’ inquiries.

Also Read: Julie Soweto: How Jose Camargo Added Ruto’s Votes

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