Distinguished Members of the Media, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon, 1. Thank you, Members of the Press, for coming to this Foreign and Diaspora briefing in which we apprise you on the various global engagements Kenya is involved in.
- As you are aware, Kenya has successfully concluded her participation – at the Highest Level – at the High-level Week of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The highlight of what proved to be a historic and consequential week for the country’s foreign policy and diplomacy was His Excellency the President’s address to the General Assembly.
- In addition, and in what has now become his signature modus operandi, the President has used his international travels to seek greater economic opportunities for the Kenyan people.
- During his visit to the USA, His Excellency met with influential captains of various industries, including the global tech giants that are shaping the world. Significantly Kenya signed into the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Agreement that committed to grant Kenya USD 60 Million to improve public transport in Nairobi. This will ease traffic jams in Nairobi, especially in Gikomba and Kamukunji areas.
- The President also held several bilateral meetings and witnessed the signing of several agreements in sports, the environment, finance and many other areas for the benefit of the Kenyan people.
- Engagements in New York were a culmination of one year of successful global engagements that Kenya has had in the lines of the Kenya Kwanza manifesto. As a Chief Diplomat and primary driver of Kenya’s Foreign Policy, His Excellency the President has continued to build on the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) philosophy as the anchor upon which Kenya’s Foreign Policy is reliably anchored.
- In the last one year our Foreign Policy has been guided by the need to empower the Kenyan people. Many of you have asked whether our policy is east or west leaning. I have previously said that our policy is WORLD LEANING for the benefit of our people. INBOUND AND OUTBOUND VISITS
- The High level outbound and inbound visits and the successful conclusion of bilateral frameworks of cooperation are important tools for realisation of Kenya’s foreign policy objectives as outlined in the Government priorities development under BETA. This has been instrumental in expanding market access for Kenyan goods and services. For example, following successful resolution of Non-Tariff Barriers between Kenya and Tanzania, the volume of Trade has progressively increased.
- The visa free regime for Kenyans travelling to South Africa, DRC, Senegal, Eritrea and Congo Brazzaville has created opportunities for business communities. The ongoing reciprocal arrangements on visa free travel will also facilitate Kenyans to secure professional jobs across Africa and this explains the growing Diaspora remittances in the last year.
- Our successes have gone beyond the region. We continue to align our work plans to resonate with the Bottom-UP Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) as per the Pillars of Kenya Kwanza, namely Agriculture; Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs); Housing and Settlement; Healthcare; Digital Superhighway and Creative Economy; and Environment and Climate Change.
- Due to our continued engagements, Moderna will set up a USD 500 million manufacturing plant in Tatu City to produce pharmaceuticals and vaccines for Kenya and Africa. The factory will have capacity to produce 500 million doses of vaccines per year as well as other pharmaceuticals, thus creating jobs and earn the country the much-needed forex.
- As a Ministry we have facilitated and coordinated several business Forums and engagements including The Kenya -European Union (EU) Business Forum and the inaugural meeting of the Kenya-United Kingdom Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Council. The Kenya-EU forum was the first business-to-business event organized as part of the EU Global Gateway Africa Strategy worth (150 billion Euros). one of the deliverables arising from the Kenya-UK EPA was the 1.5 billion pounds set aside by the UK Government for export financing to support sustainable investments in Kenya.
- We have also held engagements with our friends in the Asian region including Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, Australia and South Korea leading to the signing of several Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) on Carbon Credits, ICT, trade and investments, labour mobility and Skills Development.
- Just last week, we held a successful Kenya-Colombia Joint Cooperation Committee on Economic, Technical, Scientific, Educational and Cultural Cooperation and assistance for our coffee sector.
- Kenya also concluded negotiations with Oman on bilateral labour framework enabling Kenyans to work in the middle East Nation. There has also been a revival of Kenya-Oman trade relations in the export of livestock. In the first consignment, 40,000 livestock were shipped from the Port of Mombasa to Salah Port after a ban of 16 years. The resumption of livestock exports to Oman will greatly boost trade at the port of Lamu. DIASPORA
- The Kenya Kwanza Government is deliberate on protecting the rights and championing the welfare of Kenyan diaspora while mainstreaming them into the national development agenda. a) DIASPORA ENGAGEMENTS
- We have held strategic diaspora engagements to champion welfare & rights, investments opportunities in Gaborone, Brussels, Berlin, Kigali, Seoul, Riyadh, London, Canberra, Havana, Addis Ababa, Helsinki, Belgrade, Washington DC, Muscat, Doha, Rome, Manila, Hong Kong, and Maputo.
- the Ministry, through the State Department for Diaspora Affairs has hosted several webinars to sensitize the Diaspora on draft bills such as the draft Labour Migration Bill, the Finance Bill, and also webinars on Mental health, Wellness and investment opportunities. b) SERVICE DELIVERY TO THE DIASPORA
- The Ministry facilitated provision of Mobile Consular Services (MCS) to over 5,933 Kenyans in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Oman, Qatar and Brazil were served.
- The second phase covering Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand has begun. Services will include passport and ID processing, birth certificate applications, certificate of good conduct and marriage certificate applications, and also authentication of documents.
- In addition, Digitalization of Government Services has been implemented, and now, more than 9 citizen-centred services were digitalized onto thee-Citizen platform, in line with the Presidential directive to enhance service delivery. c) JOBS/ LABOUR MOBILITY
- Global Labour Strategy jointly developed between the State Department for Diaspora Affairs and State Department for Labour & Skills Development has been finalized and endorsed by H.E the President. This will ensure seamless and strategic migration of labour in a safe, coordinated and regulated space.
- Road map for labour mobility to Germany has been agreed upon after a visit by German Chancellor’s Special Envoy to Kenya last week.
- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sent a team of health officials to Kenya last week, they interviewed and recruited Kenyan nurses. Saudi still needs additional nurses; thus, we encourage eligible Kenyan to apply once adverts are published.
- Kenya also managed to dispatch nurses and agricultural workers to the United Kingdom.
- Countries like Canada have opened to Kenyan workers and we look forward to signing bilateral agreements with them and other countries.
- KaziMajuu portal is being created, and will have publications of links to verified jobs from around the globe. d) REMITTANCES
- Diaspora abroad continue to send funds back home for various purposes, including investment or consumption. Cumulative inflows for the 12 months leading up to August 2023 totalled close to 500 billion shillings, more than our traditional exports combined. The strong remittance inflows continue to support the current account and the stability of the country’s exchange rate.
- In addition, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) on 11th September, 2023 launched the DhowCSD online platform that will enable Kenyans to easily and seamlessly invest in Government securities. e) RIGHTS AND WELFARE
- A total of 1,170 distressed Kenyans were evacuated from Sudan following the outbreak of a political crisis on 15th April 2023. Further, seven (7) victims of human trafficking were evacuated from Laos, one (1) person evacuated from Albania on medical grounds, and several Kenyans in distress from Lebanon.
- Most recently on 20th September, 2023, one (1) Kenyan was evacuated from Türkiye on medical grounds, and is now reunited with family and is receiving the much-needed medication attention. We have also initiated a number of Bilateral Labour Agreements to secure both skilled and unskilled jobs for our people around the world.
- As Kenyans get more opportunities to work and live abroad, we also wish to caution on the need to follow the right procedures. We advise on the need for Kenyans to engage Immigration agents recognised by the National Employment Authority. We also advise on the need to seek employment with the right visa class because getting a travel permit may not qualify you to work in most countries. SCHOLARSHIPS
- Since the Kenya Kwanza Administration took over the leadership of the country, the Ministry has worked to strengthen the dissemination of scholarships obtained from our bilateral and multilateral partners. We have made scholarship dissemination more transparent, with information posted on either the Ministry for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs or the Ministry of Education websites.
- We are working with our partners for Kenyan youth to undertake specialized courses that will assist in capacity training in key sectors of our economy. PEACE DIPLOMACY 35. In the last one year we have rejuvenated our Peace Diplomacy Pillar. This has been out of the realisation that there can never be meaningful regional and continental integration without peace. In this respect, the Ministry has advocated and used Kenya’s position as an anchor State and a guarantor of regional peace and security to leverage peaceful co-existence, as an essential component for accelerating Africa’s economic growth and development.
- As Chair of the Quartet Fora of IGAD – these being the Foreign Ministers of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and South Sudan – our only interest is for peace in the neighbouring and brotherly country of Sudan.
- We have also used vital forums to highlight and spotlight our region’s peace and security architecture in an effort to ensure that the global community remains responsive to our unique circumstances. For instance, at the 13th Ministerial Meeting of the Global Counterterrorism Forum, (GCTF), in New York, I drew the attention of the global community to the threats of terrorism and violent extremism in our region.
- Through His Excellency the President’s Leadership, we are also having encouraging progress in the region on matters of peace and security. For example, on December 5th, 2022, the Juba Peace Agreement ushering in a two-year transition was signed by the parties to the conflict in Sudan. A day afterwards, the Inter-Congolese Dialogue, an EAC-led process, concluded its third session in Nairobi. The following day, the government of Somalia and Somaliland agreed to resume reconciliation. We are also proud of the progress made in stabilising Eastern DRC as a result of the EAC Regional Force, setting the DRC on the path to sustainable peace and stability. ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY
- The Ministry has been at the forefront of advancing and breathing life to the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). ENVIRONMENTAL DIPLOMACY PILLAR.
- Kenya’s climate and environmental credentials continue to be fortified via our energised Environmental Diplomacy Pillar. As it will be recalled, His Excellency the President presided over the Climate Action Summit in Nairobi.
- The hosting of ACS in Nairobi earlier this month not only stressed the significance of Africa in the climate change debate, but also allows the continent to play a more prominent role in the global climate action agenda.
- In the Horn of Africa, we have lost lives and livelihoods due to drought and failed rain seasons.
- The hosting of ACS created a platform for a unified and robust African voice in the Climate Change debate, a voice that is able to articulate our unique circumstances. We are known as a champion of the environment. The global debate on climate change adaptation and mitigation is shaped in no small part by the leadership we have shown as a country.
- Overall, in the past one year of His Excellency President Dr. William RUTO’s administration, our country’s influence, relevance and visibility on the global stage has never been this great. We have become Africa’s indispensable voice. From Addis Ababa to New York, our positions on issues are sought and are often decisive. HAITI
- The Caribbean looks to Kenya as its champion and fellow traveller. We are leading the world in proffering practical and meaningful solution to Haiti, the first country to abolish the reprehensible practice of slavery and one whose triumphant revolution inspired liberation crusades across continents. Unfortunately, Haiti’s glorious march to freedom and independence has suffered tremendous setbacks, with the ongoing political crisis and natural disasters converging to worsen an already dire situation.
- In appealing for positive and meaningful contribution in its recovery, the President has observed that Haiti would be the ultimate test of international solidarity and collective action, further noting that the stability and prosperity of Haiti would not only be beneficial to her neighbours and the region, but would also be a force for good for global peace and security.
- Kenya has committed to support our brothers and Sisters in Haiti, who originally came from our continent. Indeed, we have many similarities and a common heritage.
- For many years funds have been raised to extend a helping hand for the African continent. Nations such as Cuba were actively involved in the freedom fight in Angola while others have spent their human and capital resources in Africa. in the quest for peace and stability.
- The great majority of the people of Haiti are wonderful and amazing people and it’s a pity to see them suffer due to systemic failures.
- Kenya is one of the most successful and sought-after Nations for peace keeping Missions as we play our part as a member of the family of nations.
- We have had our successful tours by our military and police in Namibia, Sierre Leone, East Timor, Bosnia among other nations. We have been at the forefront in peace keeping and democratic initiatives in South Sudan, Somalia and the DRC.
- It is because of Kenya’s stellar performance that the Government of Haiti requested Kenya to lead a Police Mission to help stabilise and bring order to their country.
- We assure the people Haiti that we feel your pain. When you cry out, we feel it and when your children suffer. Your pain is our pain. We shall stand with you at this difficult time and walk the journey towards peace together because you deserve to live a secure and prosperous life.
- We are currently working with other partners to get United Nations mandate and resolution. We will thereafter hold meetings to garner support for the necessary deployment. Already ten other nations have indicated their willingness to send troops and or finance the Mission. We expect that within a few months we will be in Haiti helping our Brothers and Sisters.
- In conclusion as a Ministry, we remain focussed on the work at hand. We will soon be launching a new Foreign Policy that is more aligned to the Kenya Kwanza vision to help solidify on the gains made.
- These achievements are reliably anchored on His Excellency the President’s bold, robust, and firm Foreign Policy philosophy for the country. As a Ministry, we remain well guided to match the President’s vision through the promotion, protection and projection of Kenya’s interests, from the Bottom Up. SEPTEMBER, 2023 MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AND DIASPORA AFFAIR
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