With presidential elections around the corner, how important is your vote? Remember, not being a part of the election would be a great mistake. It is not just a big decision but also a pivotal point in any nation’s history. Having made the decision to vote, the next question is who to vote.
In Kenya’s Presidential Elections of 2020, what is the probability of Raila Odinga becoming the next President? Keep in mind that every vote counts and the power lie in your hand. The Breaking News Kenya Today is all about who will win and it is for you to decide.
Before giving your final verdict on whom to vote, here are a few reasons why Presidential Elections are important for you and why you should cast your vote without fail.
- Voting is a platform to contribute to the political process
Your participation is important because the nation wants and needs to hear your opinion. Voting is a fundamental right and a big opportunity to be a part of the politics. It is your chance to share your opinion on questions like: “Who should be getting tax breaks?”, “Should the government help in funding education?” etc. your opinion will be heard and reflected in the form of your vote and will help in shaping the future of our country.
- It is your chance to bring about the change you always wanted
Raila Odinga is positioning himself as a candidate for change. He is thinking about government accountability and making this a referendum on the 2010 constitution and efforts to implement that fully. On the other hand, Kenyatta promises big development projects in the future. His primary focus is on economic growth and regional security issues. It is completely your call to cast your vote to that leading presidential candidate, which is more likely to support the change you are looking for.
- Voting gives you a platform to be heard
Every time you vote, you exercise this powerful medium of expression. The process of voting allows every citizen to have a say in what should constitute the matters of importance in a nation. If you do not cast your vote, you are giving up on the chance of being heard. If you feel the ruling government is not performing its duties satisfactorily, you can simply be heard by voting against it.
- Exercise this right to vote will full awareness
Your vote will not only be impactful to your own nation but also the relationship your nation shares with other nations. Likewise, elections in Kenya matter not just to the Kenyans, but to the rest of the African continent and the world as well. To make sure you vote for the best candidate, research about both the prospective candidates to know their past actions as well as future objectives. Remember that what happens here will be felt in the other places as well.
Lawyer Ahmednassir told KTN that Raila will be the next President. What opinions do you hold on these Presidency elections? Join the discussion and drop your comments at KDRTV Breaking News Kenya Today. We are the pioneers that bring you no fictional news and only facts. We work towards bringing you content that makes you a responsible citizen. Respect your right to vote!
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