An American bride living in Baringo County exercised braveness by undergoing Female Genital Mutilation as part of marriage customary in the region.
According to the Pokot, in order for one to be married they had to undergo FGM as the last stage to sanctify the marriage.
The missionary couple have lived in the region for close to 10 years and have learnt and managed to abide by their customs throughout hence the move for FGM.
The couple later went on with their wedding ceremony at Paka Hills and got married in accordance to the Pokot culture.
FGM was banned in Kenya 8 years ago although some communities still engage in the act in secrecy.
The tradition was very common in the early years and young girls were forced into it against their wish.
It later attracted attention of people and the government at large after complications started arising after the act.
For instance, there were incidents where young girls bled to death after the traditional action was conducted on them.
Ideally, some were left in pain after the procedure went unsuccessful with a good number unable to conceive and get babies.
The government therefore took charge and prohibited the vice, with serious threats instigated for the people who officiate it.
According to World Health Organization, FGM is a violation of the human rights of girls and women and should thus be done away with.
Different organizations, foundations and human rights activists have come together to fight the vice and its practice, making arrests and rescuing young girls from the customary torture.