To so many tenants in Kenya, landlords are like second bosses to them, whatever they say goes regardless of how it affects them. Peter a worker at a mjengo site in Kisumu moved to Lolwe estate with his lovely wife and children after the area they initially resided in had a lot of insecurities which forced them to move.
Every tenants prefers to settle in an area where there is proper hygiene with clean water and good security, and so Peter saw it fit to move to Lolwe Estate with his family stating that it was the best environment for her children to grow in. Weeks after they were fully settled, he discovered that his wife was having an affair with the landlord.
Peter tried to get his fellow tenants to support him in shunning the landlord’s behavior but none of them was brave enough to do so for fear of being put out of their houses. So he decided to act alone and confront the landlord to stop seeing his wife, his efforts never paid off. “My landlord threatened to throw me and my family out of the house if I attempted to stop his relationship with my wife’, said Peter.
He was not ready to make his family homeless so he decided to allow the affair to go on for some time. One day, while Peter was approached by his landlord to inform him that he wanted to take Peter’s wife to his mother and make her his second wife.
“That moment, I knew I had to act fast before my wife ends up in another man’s bed”, said Peter.
He then asked one of his college friend for help who recommended Doctor Mugwenu to him. Peter quickly contacted the herbalist through the number +254740637248 to inform him of his concern. Doctor Mugwenu was kind enough to listen keenly to Peter’s problem and after that performed a spell to keep his landlord away from his wife for good.
One day later, the landlord never went after Peter’s wife ever again, he immediately ended the affair and even let Peter stay without paying rent for five months as a token for every trouble he had caused him.
Doctor Mugwenu says that his spell casting powers works within 24 hours mostly happening the same day they are released. He handles general problems ranging from wining court cases, winning the lottery, promotion at work, enhancing family business, protection of family and property.
His expertise in mixing herbs helps in healing diseases such as ulcers, TB, typhoid, syphilis, hypertension, gonorrhea, epilepsy among many others. Many others who have been assisted by Doctor Mugwenu say they have received powerful healing and are now more connected to their fellow lonely hearts.
He also solves life problems that include; love issues, evading poverty, stops cheating in relationships and marriages, and enhances a couple’s sexual life
Doctor Mugwenu not only offers traditional healing and herbal services, he is also a self-professed spell caster with powers to fight off demons, get rid of bad scary dreams, protects haunted houses, breaking voodoo spells.
His ability to foretell the future is 100% accurate.
For more information and inquiries, you can reach him through:
Call: +254740637248
Email:[email protected]
Or visit his website on http//