Deputy President William Ruto’s Tangatanga brigade has been served with a hot potato for blackmailing Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) allied heavyweight defenders and the entire Kisumu county government over the frosty ugly scene at Kondele roundabout in Kisumu where DP Ruto’s mortocade was stoned.
In a statement released by Kisumu county governor Hon Anyang’ Nyong’o, the chaos and razzmatazz that erupted during the second in command DP Ruto’s frenzied rally in Kondele was highly spirited by hustler nation supporters who clashed over handouts sharing saga that ignited an ugly and unbearable situation of pelting stones at DP Ruto’s mortocade.
While pointing out former Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale, Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi and the former State House Digital Strategist Dennis Itumbi, Raila Odinga’s longtime trustee warned the three aforementioned DP Ruto’s protectors to desist from peddling lies and untrue propaganda against Kisumu county government over Kondele chaos.
“In these malicious rants, the activists led by former MP Boni Khalwale, Oscar Sudi and Dennis Itumbi claim that the chaos was planned and executed by employees of the Kisumu County Government. This is not only false, but utterly ridiculous, careless and a figment of imagination by these political hirelings struggling to please their paymaster” the letter reads
Anyang’ Nyong’o challenged United Democratic Alliance (UDA) allied legislators who are dragging Kisumu county government workers into DP Ruto’s Kondele melee to attach with solid and tangible evidence that would bring the perpetrators to book.
“We challenge the perpetrators of this false narrative to prove that the County Government planned, met it’s employees and instructed them to stone Mr. Ruto. Such proof must be accompanied by real evidence to cause chaos in Kondele.
This jointly comes a time when the Orange Democratic Movement party leader Raila Odinga responded to the allegations by confirming that ODM and its allied Maps have no hand in rooting violence in KondeleProtests Erupt In Kondele As Rowdy Youths Demands DP Ruto To Give Them Ksh6,000 Each