Key Republican Party senators are now demanding to hear from John Bolton, the former Security Adviser to President Donald J.Trump. John Bolton released a bombshell dossier in his yet to be released book detailing his conversation with President Trump where he admits that there was a Quid Pro quo demands by President Trump in the aid assistance to Ukraine pegged on their investigation to the Bidens.
The South Carolina Senator Bill Graham who is the fieriest defender of President Trump has changed tune and now demanding that John Bolton needs to shed more light on the Ukraine saga. Already four other GOP Senators have shown interest to hear more evidence from witnesses especially the ones who were blocked by the White house because of security privileges.
A growing number of Republican Senators who are the Majority in Senate if they will join Democrats in this quest will spell doom for President Trump and if the evidence is overwhelming it will end Trump’s Presidency in a bad note which might also lead him to face charges in a Federal court to answer abuse of power.
The Republican Party was buoyant and confident that the trial in Senate could be a walkover but now the Elephant in the room is not easy to be pushed and wished away.
The Democratic Party House managers laid their case very meticulously and seemed to convince the Senate and the American People who now demand truth about the Conversation between President Trump and his key allies.
Another punch on the President Trump’s face is the Testimony which Levi Parnas, a Ukrainian Business Lawyer shared to newsrooms where it’s alleged he spoke directly to President Trump an incident he denies and says that he doesn’t know him but the Phone recordings tells a totally different story.
In the tape the President is heard demanding for the sacking of former American Ambassador to Ukraine, Ms.Yukovich.