China has canceled at least 1255 flights and closed schools in Beijing city on Wednesday following new wave of coronavirus infections linked to wholesale food market
According to reports from Daily Paper, the capital of China reported 31 new cases on Wednesday prompting officials to impose cessation of movement in and out of the city
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KDRTV understands that the wave of coronavirus infections in China was greatly controlled
The new infections are linked to wholesale food market; many people are still being tested and so far, 30 compounds have been closed
Reports indicate that at least 1255 flights were cancelled by the Chinese authority in a rush to contain the second wave of infection
So far, the Chinese authorities has announced travel ban for resiednts in highly vulnerable areas of the city and has also compelled the residents to undergo nucleic acid test
At the same time, some provinces have started to quarantine travelers from Beijing in a bid to halt the spread of the virus again
Authorities have closed 11 markets and have also moved with speed to disinfect thousands of food and beverages in the Chinese capital after the outbreak
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Beijing city had reported 137 new infections in the last 6 days and more than 8000 workers have been tested and quarantined
This has surface after the UK experts announced that they found a drug that can help save lives of COVID-19 patients