Bonfire Adventures CEO Simon Kabu has been rushed to the hospital. The reports came few hours ago in BNN Kenya Instagram account.
“Bonfire Adventures CEO Simon Kabu has been rushed to the hospital for an illness that is yet to be announced to the public. Quick recovery,” the instagram statement read.
This comes few weeks after his wife announced that the two are expecting a bundle of joy, a child.
On the other hand, Simon and his wife Sara Kabu have been allegedly struggling in their relationship.
Few months ago, Sara Kabu, his wife had announced their break up.
In a post on her WhatsApp status, Sara had called it quits and accused her husband of keeping their children away from her.
“For those who may not understand am done and dusted with him and thus why he took off with my kids under the care of one of his bastards,” said Sara.
Adding, “…how can you be forced to be in a toxic marriage because we are couple goals and to protect our business and its dependents at the cost of my life? God have mercy on those kids, I seriously need help, my friends!”
Also read The Kabus Expecting Another Child Amidst Controversies
The Kabu’s are renowned through their international brand Bonfire Adventures, a tour, and travel company that has scaled through the global markets.
The two however, were always seem together after the allegations.