President of Russia Vladimir Putin is arguably one of the most protected and powerful men in the whole world. He has recently become the talk of the internet and the media after his country invaded Ukraine. However, he has always put his family a secret and away from the public.
Vladimir Putin has hidden his two daughters from the whole word for decades. The president gave his daughters fake names and fake identity cards a they grew so that no one can trace if they are truly his daughters. All their lives, his daughters have lived in secrecy and not even in one instance did Putin talk about them in public.

President Putin and the daughter
Why he hid his daughters from public
When asked why he hid his daughters, he said, ”The thing is that I don’t want them to grow up like royalty. I want them to develop into normal human beings.”
Nonetheless, the two girls grew up and became one of the most successful women. The Russian media did not fail to recognize them.
People could just hear about them but never knew who they really were. Putin, together with his wife Lyudmila were blessed with the two daughters. The two girls were at young age living like any other children. They attended a German school in Moscow, Russia before they changed their real names.
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Soon after their father became the president of Russia, the two girls were never seen in school. Since then until now, they were never noticed for they have been using fake identities. Maria is the eldest daughter who has degrees in science and medicine while Katarina grew up to be a professional dancer. She also has a masters degree in physics and mathematics. Both are now in charge of billion dollar science projects.