(KDRTV)-Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) chief Raila Odinga is confronted with hard times as the party senators are set to rebel against his directive that they espouse the revenue sharing formula on Tuesday, July 28.
KDRTV acknowledges that a section of ODM senators pledged to drop Odinga`s directive on the revenue bill he issued on Monday, July 27.
The former Premier in a statement requested the senators to embrace the formula that was originally made by the Commission for Revenue Allocation
Mr. Odinga issued the directive after senate slipped to conclude on an agreed formula with Jubilee and opposition Senators differing in a senate showdown
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This prompted Odinga`s intervention and at the same time, President Uhuru also held a meeting with Senators to settle the matter
ODM Senators who have shown their interest to reject the bill include Johnes Mwaruma (Taita Taveta). Stewart Madzayo (Kilifi), Issa Juma Boy (Kwale), Jubilee’s Anwar Loitiptip (Lamu), and Wiper’s Ali Wario (Tana River).
“This is not about party positions but personal to us Senators from the Coast. We will be further marginalised if this bill is passed. Our region has for long been neglected. We are not going to give in for the sake of devolution. The basic amount that any county should get is the shareable revenue in the last financial year,” Madzayo stated on Monday, July 27.
According to Mwauru, the counties had already embraced various formulas and adopting another would interfere with developments in the regions
However, Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina, however, asked senators to support party interest by supporting the bill to end the standoff in the senate
“There is no way we will be divided on this. We shall vote for Kenya and we will not divide Kenya. My brothers in the Coast, North and Eastern regions, we must stand together on this,” Ledama tweeted.
Senate chief whip Irungu Kang`ata supported a call by Raila Odinga to support the bill and also hinted that if ODM rejected the bill then that would dent the future of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI)
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“We appreciate the bold statement by Raila on this matter. It moves the discussion forward. I do also celebrate other national leaders (among them Deputy President William Ruto) who have issued statements on the matter,” Kang’ata stated.
Deputy President William Ruto also advised the senators to agree on one revenue sharing formula